Prevent Terrorism by Planning Ahead - Be Pro-Active ARE YOU READY SHOULD THE UNTHINKABLE HAPPEN? Restoration Environmental Contractors can provide for you:
The threat of domestic terrorism today looms larger than ever. Bombings at the World Trade Center and Oklahoma City's Federal Building, as well as nerve gas attacks in Japan, have made it tragically obvious that American and Canadian corporations and civilians must be ready for terrorist attacks. What do we need to know to help emergency and medical personnel prepare for these attacks? Chemical and Biological Terrorism identifies the Research & Development efforts needed to implement recommendations in key areas pre-incident intelligence, detection and identification of chemical and biological agents, protective clothing and equipment, early recognition that a population has been covertly exposed to a pathogen, mass casualty decontamination and triage, use of vaccines and pharmaceuticals, and the psychological effects of terror. Specific objectives for computer software development are also identified. There are differences between a biological and chemical attack the distinct challenges to the military and civilian medical communities, and other broader issues. Restoration Environmental Emergency Response Program will be of critical interest to anyone involved in civilian preparedness for terrorist attack planners, administrators, responders, medical professionals, public health and emergency personnel, and technology designers and engineers. Preventing Domestic TerrorismToday, Americans and Canadians realize more than ever that the threat of terrorism inside our borders is very real. Events such as the World Trade Center and Oklahoma City bombings, and the multiple terrorist acts of the Unabomber compellingly demonstrate our vulnerability to terrorist activities. Call Restoration Environmental Contractors as many provincial organizations are already involved in prevention and contingency planning for large metropolitan areas nationwide. However, attractive potential targets are often situated in smaller, less-populated locations across the Canada. It is important that all levels of government invest in plans to prevent terrorism before it occurs. Terrorists continue to threaten U.S. citizens and
interests... As demographics, economics, and lifestyles continue to transform, the
potential for hate crimes and anti-government attacks...is likely to increase The Restoration Environmental Emergency Response Team can be ready on call 24 Hours a day 7 days a week a your disposal in case of Biological attack on your firm. We are ready to respond with qualified professionals and to start immediate disaster cleanup procedures to get your building and facility operating again. We will work with the local police and fire departments and their investigations team. Call our Biological Terrorism Emergency Response Team Restoration Environmental Contractors - Consultants Service Contracts Toll-Free 1-800-894-4924 Canada/USA
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