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     Indoor Air Quality Hotlines and Resources

Check out the new Asthma "No Attacks" Hotline at 1-866-662-8822 and call the Smoke-Free Home Pledge Hotline at 1-800-513-1157

Indoor Air Quality (IAQ)

Information Clearinghouse


You may call the toll-free number (800) 438-4318 to speak to an information specialist, Monday through Friday, 900 a.m. to 500 p.m. eastern time. After hours, you may leave a voice message, or you may make inquiries by fax [(703) 356-5386] or via e-mail iaqinfo@aol.com anytime.

Indoor Air Quality Information Clearinghouse

P.O. Box 37133
Washington D.C. 20013-7133
Direct line (703) 356-4020

What is the Indoor Air Quality Information Clearinghouse (IAQ INFO)?

The IAQ INFO is an easily accessible, central source of information on indoor air quality, created and supported by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). As concern about air pollution indoors has grown, so has the amount of information on this subject; but getting current, useful information can be a challenging task. The purpose of the IAQ INFO is to help you locate information to answer your questions about indoor air pollution.

What kind of information is available from IAQ INFO?

IAQ INFO can provide EPA publications on many aspects of indoor air quality

Indoor air pollutants and their sources;

Health effects of indoor air pollution;

Testing and measuring indoor air pollutants;

Controlling indoor air pollutants;

Constructing and maintaining homes and buildings to minimize indoor air quality problems;

Existing standards and guidelines related to indoor air quality; and

General information on Federal and State legislation.

What kind of assistance will I receive from IAQ INFO?

An IAQ INFO information specialist will handle your inquiries in one or more of the following ways

Answer many of your questions on the telephone;

Mail EPA and jointly sponsored publications from the inventory to you--most are free of charge. A list of EPA Indoor Air Quality publications is available from IAQ INFO; [Please note that radon-specific publications are listed both places]; and

Refer you to appropriate government agencies, research, public interest, and private sector organizations.

If you develop or distribute information on indoor air quality topics, please contact IAQ INFO or place us on your mailing list.

National Radon Information Hotline



Information recording operates 24 hours a day

The Radon FIX-IT Program


What is the "Radon Fix-it" Line?

The Consumer Federation of America Foundation, a nonprofit consumer organization, operates a Radon Fix-it Program which is free of charge. The Radon Fix-it Line assists consumers with elevated radon levels of 4 pCi/L or higher by providing information that will allow them to take the necessary steps toward fixing their homes. The Fix-it Line is in operation 24 hours a day, seven days a week. Callers to the hotline receive information about (consumers with radon-related questions may leave a message to obtain a counselor call back)

reducing elevated radon levels

referrals to technical experts in their State government

addressing radon problems in connection with real estate transactions.

The National Hispanic Indoor Air Quality Hotline

(NHIAQ Hotline)



The National Hispanic Indoor Air Quality Hotline provides bilingual (Spanish/English) information about indoor air pollutants that consumers may find inside their homes, offices or schools.

Consumers, health and human services professionals, outreach workers, and community leaders from across the United States, Alaska, Hawaii and Puerto Rico can call 1-800-SALUD-12 (1-800-725-8312), or, in Washington, DC, (202) 265-6388 to speak with a bilingual health information specialist (HIS) Monday through Friday, 900 a.m. to 600 p.m. eastern time. After business hours, consumers may leave a message and an HIS will return the call the next day during business hours.

What kind of information and services are available from the NHIAQ Hotline?

Technical information on indoor air pollutants, for example

health effects of indoor air pollution; sources of indoor air pollution; measurement/testing of radon in homes; and, preventing exposure to indoor air pollutants.

Bilingual (English/Spanish) written information on indoor air quality, such as [these hyperlinks go to EPA's IAQ web pages]

Radon (Rn); Lead (Pb); Carbon Monoxide (CO); and Environmental Tobacco Smoke (ETS)

Provide radon test kits to consumers with bilingual test instructions; consumer follow-ups with bilingual explanation of test results; and, referrals to other sources if mitigation is recommended.

Referrals to other similar hotlines; government agencies and resources; EPA's State Radon and Indoor Air Quality Coordinators; EPA Regional Radon and Indoor Air Coordinators; EPA Indoor Air Partners; and Hispanic community-based organizations.

Bibliography of indoor air quality materials in Spanish. This bibliography lists the name of the publication; brief description of publication; publishing entity and a telephone number for obtaining copies.

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